The International Federation of Trekkers (IFT), now known simply as The Federation, is an international Star Trek fan organization founded in 1984 by current president Russ Haslage. What makes the federation unique is that Russ contacted Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry and asked him what he thought “the ultimate Star Trek fan club” should be. Much to his surprise, Gene personally responded and became involved with the creation of the IFT. Mr. Roddenberry became our first Fleet Admiral, stating that the crew of the Enterprise, in every episode, goes places and helps people. This was Gene’s challenge to fans everywhere – to help people – and it has been the Prime Directive of The Federation ever since. The Federation is an international team of people working together towards a better world and a hopeful future, “Living the Dream” of “Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations!” We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. The Cleveland Chapter of The Federation is the USS Challenger. Established in 1986 on the day of the USS Challenger disaster and named in honor of her crew, the Challenger has become a global leader in conducting community service missions and have raised well over $100,000 in support of a wide variety of local and national charities. Membership in The Federation is free!
Warp into big Colossalcon Trekker fun at The Federation feature booth across from the Marrakesh Market! The Crown Palm room will be your Ten Forward Lounge hosting some galaxy class Trekker panels and events.
Federation Hours: coming soon!
Federation Events: coming soon!
The federation will also have their captains chair on display for photo Ops. Be sure to stop by for a photo!