Colossalcon MV Contest

Congrats to our 2023 Winner Patrick Goelz (featured below), and a shoutout to our runner up Jimmy!

Get Ready for Colossalcon’s Music Video Contest 2024!

We all attend Colossalcon to make memories, cosplays, memes and so much more. So what better way to show us that by being the best video storyteller and creating a Cosplay Music Video? The goal is for you to document Colossalcon through your eyes as an attendee and showcase all the most memorable, unique, and engaging parts that make ColossalCon exciting and bring you back year after year.

The CMV Contest is open to all attendees, Press & Media. When it comes to your MV, know that your art has no requirements. Each MV is judged for what it is and we love seeing your amazing videos. We have a couple of media format requirements that are updated below. We highly encourage you to capture the diversity our convention has to offer and the multiple locations that the venue has to offer outside of our fan favorite “the waterpark” as some attendees do not go to the waterpark.

The judges will be watching every submission and we may ask to use a clip from your music video for promotion (with your permission and accreditation). We can not wait to see all of your videos and who knows, we could have something exciting in store for you. This year we have the CMV 2024 contest winner as a CMV judge and contracted for this year’s official Colossalcon Video.

So let’s see what we can get from this year’s submissions. We wish you the best!

2024 CMV Current Timeline:

Before Colossalcon – Plot your ideas.
During Colossalcon – Take as much footage as you can and continue plotting.
June 23rd  – The deadline to make 1 or up to 3 music videos, post them on your social media, we prefer Youtube but not limited to, and submit the links to our form on our website.
July 1st – Top 2 will be announced! With 1st place being named our Colossalcon MV of 2024!

2024 CMV Contest information

No submissions from previous years.

Can I enter myself or Do I have to be in a group?
We do not have any restrictions if your video is made by one person or a group. 

How long can my music video be?
The maximum amount of time is 10 minutes per video submission. If you have submitted multiple videos they can not exceed 30 minutes total.

How many videos can I submit?
3 videos per person or group

Are there any song limitations? :
There are no limitations on the songs used. Though if possible to use public domain music, or music you have permission to use we would recommend that!

Where and what content am I allowed to capture at the Kalahari or Convention? :
We encourage you to show off everything we have to offer that is SFW. From the amazing location that is the Kalahari (land, waterpark, arcade, hallways, hotel, spa, etc) to the convention and its events. The waterpark is a fantastic place to shoot, but some attendees never make it to the water park.

Is there any content we need to make sure we have special permission for?
Vendors and Artists prefer that you ask permission to video their booth.

What are we looking for? :
If you want any direction on what we are looking for, it can be summed up in one statement. We want to see an overview/story of what someone attending our con can experience and enjoy. Late-night fun / events /waterpark/food / autographs / photoshoots / location / cosplay / friendships / etc. That’s all.


1st place:
– Colossalcon MV of 2024, this is the MV we as the con will have on our website, reference, and use for 2025! Full credit on every media we use it on.
– Priority Booking for a room at the Kalahari for 2025 Colossalcon Prime
– A free press badge for 2025 Colossalcon Prime + 1 weekend badge for a friend

2nd Place:
– A free press badge for 2025 Colossalcon Prime + 1 weekend badge for a friend

Good luck to you all, we can’t wait to see what you create!