What are the registration booth hours:
These are the hours our registration / admissions booth is open on-site during the convention.
- Wednesday: 6pm-midnight (Pre reg and VIP pickup only)
- Thursday: 10am-2am
- Friday: 9am – 2am
- Saturday: 9am – midnight
- Sunday: 9am-5pm
Where do I go to pickup badges at the convention?
Pre-Registration Locations:
Wednesday / Thursday / Friday – Spot #2
Saturday / Sunday – Spot #1
At the Door Registration Locations:
Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday – Spot #1>
Pickup / Registration Location Maps:

What does my badge include?
Your badge grants you access to all events that are not paid to participate (Night Swim, lolita tea party) or specific to a certain badge type (VIP autograph signing is for VIP badge holders only). Your badge does not give you access to the waterpark. If you are not staying at the Kalahari, we offer our after hours waterpark event . Passes can be purchased for these at the waterpark pass booth outside of con ops.
I need a refund on my badge. What is your policy?
We do not offer refunds on badges, however you can give your badge to a friend. You can edit your name/email on your order to resend the QR code to the new recipient.
I pre-purchased admission but haven’t received anything in the mail, where are my badges?
To avoid badges being lost in the mail or forgotten at home when you get to the con, badges are not mailed out. Rather they will be waiting for you at the convention at the pre registration table(located in the hall across from con ops). Please be sure to bring your TicketTailor QR code with you, or have it available on your phone to claim your pass(es).
Can I pick up multiple badges at once?
Yes, so long as you have everyone’s TicketTailor QR codes in your possession to scan, you can.
I pre-purchased admission. What do I need to bring to the con?
You will receive an email containing your ticket barcode to claim your pass when you arrive. Please either print this out and bring it, or have it ready on your phone to scan. You can claim your pass at the pre reg table.
I didn’t pre-purchase admission, can I still buy admission at the door?
Yes. We accept cash and credit/debit card payments at the door. Admission / Tickets to the convention do not sell out after pre-purchase admission closes.
I’m a minor. Do I have to be accompanied by an adult?
No, but if your parent(s) or legal guardian(s) choose to accompany you to the convention, they will be required to purchase a badge to go into the convention center. Children 10 and under do not require a badge with the purchase of an adult badge. Children 11 and over will need a badge to attend the convention.
I am bringing a child with me, do they require a badge?
Children 10 and under do not require a badge with the purchase of an adult badge. Children 11 and over will need a badge to attend the convention.
Which events are ticketed events?
Ticketed events require additional cost on top of the badge cost in order to participate. Currently only some video game tournaments are pay to play. The Lolita Tea Party requires a pre-purchased admission. Ticket sales for the tea party event close approximately two weeks prior to the convention or when the attendance cap for the event has been met. J-Fashion Tea Party Information .
Do I have to pay a fee to enter the formal ball?
No, the formal ball is free and included with the purchase of your badge.