-Please refer to our cosplay prop chart to see if your prop will be permitted at the con(click to enlarge):

-Regarding weapons purchased in the dealers room: After purchasing a weapon that normally violates our Prop policy, it must remain in its packaging and be taken immediately to your room or car for storage.
-No metal swords, knives, bayonets, cane-swords, and/or other objects made of metal, which have a sharp point or sharpened edge. Exceptions may be made for cosplayers during the masquerade.
-No real or replica guns of any kind permitted. Exceptions may be made for cosplayers during the masquerade.
Exceptions regarding guns
-Easily identifiable toy plastic guns with no moving parts and that have a clearly visible orange tip will be permitted. Resin models will be permitted as long as they are marked with clearly visible orange tip.
-Nunchakus are not permitted. Nunchaku made out of craft materials for cosplay purposes will be permitted in the halls so long as it is not misused. Exceptions otherwise may be made for cosplayers during the masquerade.
-There are to be no explosives or chemicals of any kind, including but not limited to smoke powder,
sparklers and fireworks.
-Bows: Bows must be unstrung at the con. We understand that your bow may be an important part of your cosplay, but we don’t wish for people to be accidentally harmed. Exceptions may be made on a case my case basis with the cosplay department while taking part in the masquerade.
PROPS permitted
-Fake or made-up weaponry (example: made of wood, plastic, foam, plaster of Paris, cloth etc) are permitted if they are safe and not dangerous to the other con-goers around you. For example, dangerous conditions include but are not limited to wires sticking out, items that trip passersby, clothes lining a member, etc.
-Please limit the size of the weapons to less than 8 feet in height and must be a reasonable weight (I.e… if you can’t carry it on your own or it requires more than one person then it will not be permitted. If you do happen to make something heavy, make sure you are able to carry it without a problem.
-Misuse of any Prop, such as swinging it in a public area or causing hazards to passerby attend, will get your privilege revoked immediately.If we deem a Prop to be unsafe for the convention, we will request you to store the unsafe prop in your private quarters (i.e.: your room or car). If there is a repeat offense, we will escort you out of the convention and off of convention grounds so that you can place the weapon in your private quarters.
-All Props brought into the convention should be brought to the security desk for inspection by security staff.
-All questionable items will be decided on a case-by-case basis. Anything deemed illegal outside the convention is deemed illegal inside the convention premises.